International Leasing and Financial Services Limited is the top ten gainers on Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) today. As the share price increased by 60 paisa or 10pc. On this day, the share was last traded at the rate of 6 takas 60 paisa.
This information is known from DSE sources.
According to the data, the company traded 20 lakh 1 thousand 45 shares 393 times.
Second, on the list is Metro Spinning Limited. Today the price of the company has increased by 4 takas 70 paisa or 10 percent. The share was last traded at 51 takas 70 paisa.
Bdcom Online Limited is third on the list. Today the company has increased by 6 10 paise or 9.95 percent.
Other companies on the gainer list are BBS Cables, Maksons Spinning, BBS, Keya Cosmetics, Aman Feed, Coppertech Industries and Far East Knitting and Dyeing Industries Limited.