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Salman F Rahman Advocates Problem-Solving Approach for Leather Industry Woe

salman f rahman

Salman Fazlur Rahman, the private industry and investment adviser to the prime minister, emphasized the need to address issues in the leather industry rather than assigning blame during a meeting on Wednesday (6 March). Speaking at the BCIC conference room in Dhaka after visiting the Savar tannery industrial area in Hemayetpur and witnessing environmental challenges, he conveyed the matter to the environment minister, urging action on the waste treatment plant.

Rahman highlighted the significant problem arising from the construction of the Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) by Chinese contractors who deviated from the agreed-upon contract. Exploring potential solutions, discussions revolved around the possibility of another contractor retrofitting the plant, although no decision has been reached yet.

The meeting, attended by Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Secretary Farina Ahmed, BSCIC Chairman Sanjay Kumar Bhowmik, and senior officials from related ministries, directorates, and BSCIC, aimed at understanding the challenges faced by the leather industry.

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