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UN Calls for Ceasefire and Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

UN united nation

The resolution adopted by the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council on Friday urges Israel to be held accountable for potential war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip. It also calls on all nations to stop supplying weapons to Israel.

Among the 47 member nations in the UN Human Rights Council, 28 voted in favor of the resolution, 13 abstained, and 6 opposed it. China supported the resolution, while the United States and Germany opposed it.

The resolution emphasizes “the importance of ensuring accountability for all violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law to put an end to impunity.”

It expresses “serious concern over reports of significant human rights violations and serious breaches of international humanitarian law, including possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.”

Furthermore, the resolution urges states to halt the sale, transfer, and diversion of arms, ammunition, and other military equipment to Israel.

The proposal, presented by Pakistan on behalf of all Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states except Albania, also calls for “an immediate cessation of hostilities” and “urgent humanitarian access and assistance.”

Ibrahim Khraishi, the Palestinian Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, welcomed the vote but criticized the lack of support from certain Western countries.

Meirav Eilon Shahar, Israel’s permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, denounced the resolution as a blemish on the Human Rights Council and the UN as a whole.

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