The Board of Directors of Taufika Foods and Lovello Ice Cream Limited, one of the listed companies reviewed the financial report for the financial year that ended June 30, 2022, and declared its dividends. The company will pay 12pc dividend to shareholders for the year under review.
The decision was taken after reviewing and approving the audited financial report for the last financial year at the company’s board meeting held on Sunday, October 23.
According to the company’s sources said that Lovello’s net profit after tax increased by 28pc in the financial year 2021-22. In the financial year 2021-22, the net profit after tax was Tk 12 crore 15 lakh 95 thousand 10. Last year, the net profit after tax in the financial year 2020-21 was Tk 9 crore 50 lakh 07 thousand 875.
The company’s earnings per share, EPS for the year under review stood at Tk 1.43. Last year’s EPS was Tk 1.41. As on June 30, 2022, the company’s net asset value per share stood at 12 taka 90 paisa.
Hence, it is proposed to amend the proposal mentioned in the prospectus and increase the time limit for spending the money received from the IPO.
The Annual General Meeting, AGM of the firm will be held on December 20, 2022, for approval of the declared dividend and the said amendment proposal by consent of the shareholders. And the company’s record date for the distribution of dividends to shareholders has been fixed as November 14, 2022.