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DSE Top Gainer: Monno Ceramic

Monno Ceramic

Monno Ceramic Industries Limited ranked top ten gainers on Dhaka Stock Exchange, DSE today, November 30, the share price increased by 8 taka 10 paisa or 7.96pc. On this day, the share was last traded at 109 taka 90 paisa.

This information is known from DSE sources.

According to the data, the firm traded 6 lakh 32 thousand 917 shares in 2 thousand 160 times.

2nd on the list is Monno Agro & General Machinery Ltd. Today the price of the company’s share price increased by 45 taka 30 paisa or 7.49pc. The share was last traded at 650 taka 20 paisa.

And the 3rd on the list is Gemini Sea Food Limited. Today the company share price has increased by 27 taka 80 paisa or 7.49pc. The share was last traded at 399 taka 10 paisa.

Other companies on the gainer list are Sonali Aansh Industries, aamra networks, Unique Hotel & Resorts, aamra technologies, Advent Pharma, Paper Processing & Packaging & Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited.


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