Dhaka Metro Rail services are set to resume within the next seven days, according to Muhammad Fauzul Kabir Khan, Adviser for Road Transport and Bridges Affairs. The announcement was made during a view-exchange meeting held with ministry officials at the ministry’s conference room on Sunday, August 18.
“Metro rail operations will recommence within seven days,” the adviser confirmed during the meeting.
In his address, Fauzul Kabir Khan emphasized the sacrifices made by students to secure the rights and equal opportunities for all citizens across various sectors. He stressed the importance of honoring this legacy by addressing corruption and ensuring transparency and accountability within the ministry.
“We owe a debt of blood to the students. The perception of the ministry among the public must change, and to achieve this, corruption must be eradicated, and transparency and accountability must be enforced,” he stated.
The adviser also paid homage to the martyrs of the 1971 Liberation War and the student movement in July. He declared that the current government is committed to making tough decisions in the interest of public welfare, undeterred by external pressures.
Fauzul Kabir Khan also recommended cost reductions across all activities, while maintaining the quality of work and transparency in tender processes.
The meeting was attended by the Road Transport and Highway Division Secretary, Md Ehsanul Haque, along with other relevant officials.