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Dhaka Ranks 8th Most Polluted Globally: AQI Data

air dhaka

This morning on Sunday (August 27), Dhaka’s air quality ranked as the 8th most polluted globally among various cities, as measured by the Air Quality Index (AQI). The Air Quality Index marked Dhaka’s air quality as ‘unhealthy for sensitive groups’, registering an AQI score of 117 at 8:35 am.

Leading the list were Jakarta in Indonesia, Delhi in India, and Kampala in Uganda, securing the top three positions with AQI scores of 169, 167, and 164 respectively.

The Air Quality Index categorizes air quality based on specific thresholds. With an AQI value ranging from 101 to 150, air quality is classified as ‘unhealthy for sensitive groups’. The range between 150 and 200 signifies ‘unhealthy’ air quality, while 201 to 300 is labeled as ‘very unhealthy’. An AQI reading of 301 or higher is considered ‘hazardous’, posing severe health risks to the population.

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