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Weekly Bourse Performed Mixed



Bourse dse market cap turnover stock

Weekly Dhaka Stock Exchange, DSE, Dhaka Bourse has seen a hikes in turnover & drop in Market Capitalization. On the other hand, Index performed mixed. This information was disclosed in the weekly market review from the DSE

According to sources, (5 working days) the market capitalization of DSE dropped by Tk 210 crore 75 lakh 60 thousand 703  (7 May – 11 May). At the same time, the turnover has gained by 1 thousand 549 crore 15 thousand 106 taka.

The benchmark index ‘DSEX’ increased by 3.27 points or 0.05 percent, in the outgoing week. At the end of the week, the index stands at 6,272 points. The Shariah-based index ‘DSES’ gained 4.63 points or 0.34 percent and therefore the index stands at 1,372 points. The blue-chip index ‘DS30’ shed 10.39 points or 0.47 percent, hence the index stands at 2,194 points.

Shares and units worth 3 thousand 957 crore 35 lakh 53 thousand 591 taka were traded in Dhaka Stock Exchange. At the end of the week, the market capitalization stood at 7 lakh 66 thousand 106 crore 74 lakh 95 thousand 371 taka.

Shares and units of 402 companies were traded on DSE during the week. Of these, 226 shares were unchanged, 47 companies declined, and 118 companies advanced.

Bangladesh Shipping Corporation has ranked at the top of weekly trading on DSE. It is known that 1 crore 20 lakh 78 thousand 348 shares of the company were traded throughout the week. Its market value is 157 crore 17 lakh 47 thousand takas.

Apex Foods Limited has ranked at the top of weekly gainers on DSE. It is known that the share traded a total of Tk 68 crore 81 lakh 17 thousand, which is an average of 13 crore 76 lakh 23 thousand 400 per day. The share has risen 27.70 pc to its highest price.

Sea Pearl Beach Resort & Spa Limited has ranked at the top of weekly losers on DSE. It is known the share traded a total of Tk 120 crore 20 lakh 74 thousand, which is an average of  24 crore 4 lakh 14 thousand 800 shares per day. The share has dropped 15.68 percent lowest in the last week.


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Bullish Market Skyrockets



dse bourse indices turnover

Dhaka Stock Market DSE, Bourse on the last working day of the week, 25th July, ended with a hike in Indices and Turnover from the previous working session. This information is known from DSE sources.

497 crore 34 lakh taka shares were traded on this day. 337 crore 97 lakh more tradings were done in DSE today compared to the previous workday, July 24th, Shares worth Tk 159 crores 37 lakh shares were traded last time, Wednesday.

The benchmark DSEX increased 62.81 points or 5,413 The Shariah-based index DSES added 13.81 points or 1,183 and the blue-chip index DS30 gained by 24.25 points or 1,932.

Of the issues traded, 286 advanced, 66 declined and 40 remained unchanged.

Techno Drugs Limited ranked top gainer on DSE, the share price increased by Tk 3.80 paisa or 9.87 percent. On this day, the share was last traded at Tk 42.30 paisa.

Rangpur Foundry Limited ranked top loser on the DSE, the share price dropped by Tk 5.40 paisa or 2.98 percent. On this day, the share was last traded at Tk 175.70 paisa.

DSE topped on trade is Square Pharmaceuticals PLC 35 crore 9 lakh takas of company shares have been traded.

A total of 28 companies’ shares were traded in the Block on Dhaka Stock Exchange. A total of 82 lakh 94 thousand 29 shares of the companies were traded. The financial value of which is 21 crore 92 lakh taka

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Eastland Insurance releases Q2 Financials



Eastland Insurance r

One of the listed companies, Eastland Insurance Company Limited discloses its financial reports for the second quarter, (April – June 24).

The company’s earnings per share (EPS) Tk 0.27 paisa in Q2 of the current financial year (April – June 24). EPS was Tk. 0.41 for January-June 2024 as against Tk. 1.47 for the same period last year. EPS  was Tk 0.80 paisa during the same period last year. NAV per share was Tk. 20.85  as of June 30, 2024.

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The company’s Consolidated earnings per share (EPS) Tk 1.50 paisa in Q2 of the current financial year (April – June 24). Consolidated EPS was Tk. 1.50 for January-June 2024 as against Tk. 1.47 for the same period last year. EPS  was Tk 0.80 paisa during the same period last year. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 20.85 as of June 30, 2024.

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