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NSU MBA Club Hosts Inspiring Seminar on “Follow Your Passion 5.0”



Follow Your Passion

The North South University MBA Club have recently organized the fifth installment of their esteemed “Follow Your Passion” seminar series on June 5th, 2023, at 5:00 pm in Audi 801.

The event aimed to provide a deeper understanding of pursuing one’s passion, shedding light on the challenges that come with the journey. Distinguished icons from the corporate world shared insights on various aspects of following one’s passion and offered guidance on overcoming obstacles along the way.

Follow Your Passion

The seminar commenced with an awe-inspiring speech from Dr. FJ Mohaimen, the Faculty Advisor of the North South University MBA Club, setting an enthusiastic tone for the event. Guest speakers, known for their remarkable achievements, then took the stage. Mashrur Arefin, the CEO and MD of City Bank, with his extensive experience in the banking industry and notable contributions as a writer and poet, shared his insights. Rashna Imam, the Managing Partner at Akhtar Imam and Associates, advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh and founder of the Academy of Law and Policy, provided her valuable perspectives. Yasir Azman, the Chief Executive Officer of Grameenphone, renowned for his expertise in transformation, change management, and business development, also graced the seminar with his presence. Lastly, Ishtiaq Ahmed, the Chief Executive Officer of LPG, Agri Business and Consumer Goods for the Unitex Group, shared his insights with the attendees.

Throughout the sessions, the guest speakers emphasized the significance of hard work and determination in attaining true passion. They emphasized the importance of finding something one loves and committing to it. Genuine passion never feels like work; those who find it are driven to pursue it regardless of time and place. The audience had the opportunity to engage in a Q&A session, where they posed intriguing questions to the esteemed guests, gaining valuable insights from these corporate titans.

The seminar reached its conclusion with a crest-giving ceremony conducted by Dr. FJ Mohaimen, the NSU MBA Club Faculty Advisor, and Farita Binte Hassan, the NSU MBA Club President, honoring the guests of honor. A certificate ceremony was also held to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the MBA Club members who contributed to the success of the seminar. The event concluded on a positive note with a memorable photo session.

Follow Your Passion

Expressing her satisfaction with the event, NSU MBA Club President Farita Binte Hassan stated, “We are delighted to host our signature event, ‘Follow Your Passion,’ for the fifth time, bringing together corporate icons to North South University to share their thoughts and expertise. The audience was truly inspired and learned a great deal from this seminar.”

The well-attended event saw the presence of over 150 students, faculty, and administrative personnel from North South University. With this successful seminar under their belt, the North South University MBA Club looks forward to organizing more captivating programs, seminars, and workshops in the future.

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Primary Schools in Divisional Cities Closed for Safety



Primary Schools

The Primary and Mass Education Ministry has declared the closure of all primary schools within the city corporation areas of eight divisional cities, citing concerns for children’s safety.

Senior Information Officer Mahbubur Rahman stated, “The class programs of these institutes will remain closed until further instruction. The decision has been taken considering the safety of the children.”

Additionally, the ministry has suspended classes at primary schools managed by the Shishu Kalyan Trust and learning centers operated by the Bangladesh Bureau of Education Information and Statistics.

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Uni Teachers Halt Classes Over Pension Scheme



Pension teacher

Demanding the withdrawal of the “Prottoy” universal pension scheme, teachers at public universities across the country, including Dhaka University, have suspended all academic and administrative activities indefinitely starting today (1 July).

No classes or exams have taken place on campus since this morning.

“The protest against the new pension scheme has commenced with the suspension of academic activities. It will persist until the government withdraws the scheme,” stated Dr. Akhtarul Islam, president of the Bangladesh University Teachers Samity Federation.

However, a visit to the geography department of Dhaka University revealed that administrative activities not involving teachers remained operational.

“The administrative offices are open, but all classrooms are locked,” said Fariha, a geography department student.

Nizam Haq Bhuiyan, general secretary of the Dhaka University Teachers’ Association (DUTA), announced a two-day protest with teachers’ demands.

“Our program will begin at 12pm in front of the Faculty of Arts today and continue until 1pm,” he said.

Today also marks the 104th founding anniversary of Dhaka University. Students were seen attending the program at TSC despite light rain.

On 13 March, the government introduced the Prottoy scheme for employees joining public universities and other organisations under the scheme from 1 July 2024 onwards.

However, those who joined these institutions before 1 July 2024 will continue to receive their previous pension benefits.

In addition to public universities, employees in autonomous, state-owned, and other statutory organisations, along with their subordinates, will also be included in the pension scheme, set to be implemented from Monday.

Public university teachers have been protesting their inclusion in the Prottoy scheme since its announcement and have vowed to continue their protest until it is withdrawn.

Meanwhile, the National Pension Authority has stated that they are ready to implement the scheme from Monday as per the government’s decision.

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HSC, Equivalent Exams Underway Across Bangladesh




The Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent exams commenced across Bangladesh this morning, excluding the Sylhet division.

In Sylhet, the exams will begin on July 9 due to flooding, according to a Ministry of Education directive. The Sylhet Education Board Chairman, Rama Bijoy Sarkar, stated that new dates for the Bangla-I, II, and English-I and II papers will be announced later.

Nationwide, a total of 14,50,790 students from nine general education boards, the Madrasha Board, and the Technical Board are expected to take the exams at 2,275 centers from 9,463 educational institutions.

Among the candidates, 11,28,281 are from general boards, 88,076 from the Madrasha Board, and 2,34,433 from the Technical Board. Additionally, 281 students will take the exams from eight overseas centers.

Following tradition, all coaching centers are required to remain closed from June 29 to August 11.

Last year, 13,59,342 students participated in the examinations from all boards.

The HSC written exams will continue until August 11, followed by practical exams from August 12 to August 21. Exams under the Technical Board will end on July 18, with practical exams scheduled from July 19 to August 4.

Students must enter exam centers 30 minutes before the exams start. The question paper codes will be sent via SMS 25 minutes before the exams begin. Only exam center in-charges are allowed to carry mobile phones inside the centers.

Only examinees, center invigilators, ministry teams, board teams, local administration, upazila administration teams, and security personnel are permitted inside the exam centers.

In Dhaka, the Quick Response Team (QRT) of the Metropolitan Police will assist examinees during the exams, as previously announced.

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