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Digital Media Workshop in PR Department Observed



Digital Media Workshop

In Dhaka, a workshop titled ‘The Role of Digital Media in the Department of Public Relations’ was organized by the Digital Media Forum, hosted by the renowned University. The event featured a workshop, certificate distribution, and a panel discussion.

On Friday, March 1, at 2:00 PM, the workshop was organized at R C Majumdar Auditorium, Kola Bhaban, Dhaka University. The Private University Public Relations Officers Association-PUPROA collaborated as event co-organizers.

The chief guest at the event was Jafar Wajed, the Director-General of the Press Institute of Bangladesh. Despite his absence at the workshop, he conveyed his congratulations to the organization for its success through a message. In his message, he extended appreciation to all the guests, participants, officials from the Department of Public Relations of various private universities, and sponsoring organizations.

Special guests at the event included Dr. Mizanur Rahman, former Vice-Chancellor of Jagannath University, and Professor Robaet Ferdous, from the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism at Dhaka University.

Distinguished journalists and media personalities graced the event as guests of honor, including Syed Ishtiaque Reza, CEO of Global TV, Lutfor Rahman Himel, Editor of Daily Swadesh Protidin, Rajeeb Khan, Digital Head of Channel 24, Ruhul Amin Roni, Senior Manager (Lead) Business Development at Prothom Alo, Saroj Mehedi, Lecturer in the Journalism Department at Green University, Nahid Jahan, Head of Media at Pran RFL Group, Mobarak Apu, Business and Growth Lead at Adfinix, Zakaria Hossen Joy, Assistant General Manager at NewsBangla, and Benjir Abrar, CEO of Excellence Bangladesh, among many others.

The workshop had various sponsors, including Qcoom as the title sponsor, G and M Gadget and Mobile Care as the gadget partner, Tenision as the gold sponsor, Texort as the IT partner, Nutriplus as the nutrition partner, Studio Velvet as the content production partner, Limerence Creations as the creative partner, and co-sponsored by The Premium Homes Limited and WeSellBD. The knowledge partner for the workshop was JCI Dhaka West.

The workshop consisted of five sessions led by experienced professionals in the media and corporate sector of the country. Abdul Wadud, the Business Lead at Purple Patch, took the lead in facilitating the workshop. He delivered his presentation using a projector, showcasing various informative content. Wadud emphasized the crucial role of the Public Relations Department, likening it to a mirror for an organization. According to him, the department’s proficiency directly influences the organization’s progress, and there’s no alternative to skillfulness.

In the second session, Tithi Chowdhury, the Client Partner Lead at Meta Aleph Lead, shared insights into social media usage. He stressed the importance of understanding social media dynamics to effectively utilize the platform. Chowdhury highlighted the need to know which medium can rapidly deliver the message to the audience, aligning advertising strategies accordingly. He emphasized that mastering such technical aspects, including data analysis, is essential. Throughout his presentation, he used slides to convey information and conducted training on data-related topics.

During the workshop, Md. Faruk Khan, the founder of Khan IT, shared his insights, stating, “The organization of this event on digital media is highly relevant. It will help everyone develop a clear understanding of digital media usage. By becoming proficient, we can ensure the perpetual relevance of such events.”

He further emphasized the significance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) marketing for businesses of any scale, saying, “For small or large businesses, SEO marketing is crucial. It works to create your business brand, which is the primary goal in this era of digital marketing.”

Palash Mahmud, the Head of the Online Department at Daily Kalbela, delivered the fourth session’s speech at the workshop. Expressing the importance of self-promotion, he mentioned, “Everyone wants to promote themselves. However, the key is how effective your promotion is. Traditional ways won’t make a lasting impact. You need to think differently to catch people’s attention. It requires thoughtful consideration and visible results.”

Rajeeb Khan, the Digital Head of Channel 24, expressed his thoughts during the event, stating, “The progress of the Digital Media Forum in a short period is remarkable. The workshop on ‘The Role of Digital Media in the Department of Public Relations’ was a precursor to such initiatives. These events will bridge the gap between media and university, creating a strong connection.”

Ruhul Amin Roni, Senior Manager (Lead) Business Development at Prothom Alo, shared his thoughts during the workshop. He mentioned, “The workshop on ‘The Role of Digital Media in the Department of Public Relations’ is a well-organized initiative. Such workshops are crucial in the present time. The more the professionals in the Public Relations Department of universities know about digital media, the more adept they will become in utilizing this medium.”

Lutfor Rahman Himel, Editor of Daily Swadesh Protidin, expressed his sentiments, saying, “There’s no end to learning. As days go by, the thirst for knowledge increases. If you’re not updated, even if you’re young, you’ll fall behind. I hope such educational workshops by the Digital Media Forum continue.”

At the beginning of the workshop, Abu Sadat, the General Editor of Private University Public Relations Officers Association (PUPROA), offered an introductory speech. He extended his greetings to all the guests and participants in the workshop, expressing gratitude to the sponsoring organizations.

Sadat emphasized the significance of adapting to the digital era, stating, “The current era has become smart by embracing digitalization. If we cannot keep up with the pace of time, we will be left behind. Hence, the organization of this workshop by the Digital Media Forum and the Private University Public Relations Officers Association is a timely initiative. Such initiatives will propel us forward towards building a smart Bangladesh.”

Syed Ishtiaque Reza, the CEO of Global TV and a prominent journalist, highlighted the challenges faced by those in public relations, emphasizing the importance of crisis management in the digital media age. He encouraged participants to understand and effectively utilize digital media for creating a positive organizational image.

At this moment, Professor Robaet Ferdous, in his special address, expressed the tremendous success of the Digital Media Forum’s workshop. He emphasized the bridging of gaps between universities and media through the collaboration of the Public Relations departments. Professor Ferdous urged the organizers and collaborators to continue conducting such workshops.

As the main guest, former Vice-Chancellor and current Professor Dr. Mizanur Rahman of Jagannath University, delivered the keynote address in the absence of the chief guest, Jafar Wazed, the Director-General of the Press Institute of Bangladesh. He extended his greetings to the workshop participants and the staff of the Public Relations departments of various universities.

Dr. Mizanur Rahman stated, “Differentiation is essential; otherwise, one might go unnoticed. Without uniqueness, one is lost in the crowd. With the abundance of content on platforms like YouTube and Facebook, why would people choose to watch yours? People will seek what sets you apart. In a market with 75 brands, if yours is number 76, there is no gain – you will lose.”

The professor further emphasized, “Language is not a barrier; what’s crucial is distinctiveness and quality. Only then will your brand stand out. The more updated you are, the more value your brand gains in the market. You cannot afford to lag behind.” He supported his point with various examples and congratulated the success of the Digital Media Forum’s workshop.

The President of DMF, Delowar Hossain, expressed gratitude and appreciation to everyone present. He highlighted the research and exploration conducted by DMF in the digital sector since its establishment. Delowar mentioned the importance of such workshops in providing training to experts in the sector, ensuring continuous efforts in organizing similar events. He acknowledged that due to time constraints, they couldn’t allocate sufficient time to many distinguished guests, expressing regret. Delowar recognized the potential of today’s workshop to contribute to the vision of a Digital Bangladesh under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

He thanked the co-organizer, Private University Public Relations Officers Association (PUPROA), and expressed gratitude to the sponsors. Delowar urged everyone to maintain such collaborative efforts for the development of a Smart Bangladesh.

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PM’s China Visit: Nagad Signs Pact with Huawei



NAGAD Signs Pact with Huawei

Bangladesh has taken a significant step towards enhancing its digital financial services as NAGAD Limited and Huawei Technologies signed a landmark agreement. The deal aims to revolutionize the country’s digital transaction experience by integrating world-class smart transaction technologies through NAGAD’s digital banking and mobile financial services.

The agreement, signed on Tuesday (July 9) at Beijing’s Shangri-La Hotel in the presence of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, marks a pivotal moment for Bangladesh’s digital economy. It underscores the commitment to bolstering digital banking capabilities, ensuring that customers of NAGAD can enjoy seamless international transactions anytime, anywhere.

Representing NAGAD, the agreement was endorsed by its founder and CEO, Tanvir A. Mishuk. Among the dignitaries present were Finance Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, Foreign Minister Dr. A.K. Abdul Momen, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Industry and Investment Affairs Salman F Rahman, State Minister for Posts, Telecommunications, and Information Technology Junaid Ahmed Palak, and NAGAD’s Chairman Farid Khan.

Huawei’s South Asia Region President and CEO Pan Yunfei signed the agreement on behalf of Huawei. Several senior officials from the Chinese government were also in attendance, highlighting China’s support for Bangladesh’s economic growth and digital inclusion efforts.

Chairman of NAGAD Digital Bank, Farid Khan, commented on the significance of the agreement, stating that over the past five years, Bangladesh has seen a profound transformation in its financial landscape. Now, with global collaboration on the horizon, NAGAD and Huawei aim to propel Bangladesh towards a smarter future. NAGAD’s digital banking initiative will play a pivotal role in achieving a Smart Bangladesh, fostering significant advancements in the country’s economic framework.

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Grameenphone Faces Tk 300 Crore Fine for Call Drop Issues



The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has issued a show cause notice to Grameenphone due to an excessive number of call drops. The telecom operator could face a fine of up to Tk 300 crore if it fails to provide a satisfactory explanation.

The notice was issued on July 1.

Junaid Ahmed Palak, the State Minister for Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, informed journalists of this development after inaugurating the GPT platform ‘G-Brain’ at the ICT Tower in Agargaon, Dhaka, on Wednesday afternoon.

“We have issued an initial show cause notice to Grameenphone. Further analysis is underway. If they can provide a valid explanation, they may be pardoned as they were last time. However, if they fail to justify their actions properly, BTRC can impose fines ranging from Tk 100 crore to Tk 300 crore,” stated Palak.

He added, “We had asked for explanations from four mobile network operators (MNOs) regarding our test drive on July 30.”

The BTRC conducts ‘Quality of Service (QoS) Drive Tests’ to verify the service quality of mobile phone operators, checking voice calls, data, and network coverage.

Engineer Md. Mahiuddin Ahmed, Chairman of BTRC, mentioned that voice and data services on Grameenphone’s network did not meet the expected standards in the drive test. The BTRC is investigating the reasons behind this shortfall.

“If any operator fails to maintain the expected service quality, BTRC will take action. Customers should not suffer any inconvenience,” emphasized the BTRC Chairman.

According to the Quality of Service (QoS) guidelines, there is a provision for up to 2% call drops for voice calls. For call setups, BTRC has set a specific time limit of seven seconds. Additionally, a minimum download speed of 7 Mbps is required for 4G technology.

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Inspira Hosts MSME Digital Security & Data Protection Dialogue



Inspira Hosts MSME Digital Security & Data Protection Dialogue

Inspira Hosts Policy Dialogue on MSME Digital Security and Data Protection

Dhaka, June 9, 2024 – Inspira, in collaboration with USAID, DAI, and DCCP, successfully organized a Policy Dialogue addressing the digital security and data protection challenges faced by MSMEs. The event gathered industry leaders and government officials to deliberate on these critical issues.

Md Ziaul Haque Bhuiyan, Chief of Staff of ShopUp and former President of JCI Bangladesh, shared valuable insights during the dialogue. The event was graced by Md Shamsul Arefin, Secretary of the ICT Division, as the Chief Guest. Other notable attendees included Salahuddin Mahmud from the SME Foundation, Khalilur Rahman, Director General of BTRC, Abu Saed Kamruzzaman, Director General of NCSA, and Samira Zuberi Himika, Chairperson of Inspira.

Key Points Discussed:

Restricting Betting Services:

  • Issue: Online betting services are causing financial losses for many individuals.
  • Discussion: Implementing stricter regulations to limit access and protect users from financial harm.


Regulation of Grey Channel Devices:

  • Issue: Unauthorized smartphones and laptops with unmonitored apps are entering the market.
  • Discussion: Enhancing regulatory oversight to ensure visibility and security of imported electronic devices.


Data Storage Concerns with CCTV Cameras and VTS:

  • Issue: Sensitive data from CCTV cameras and Vehicle Tracking Systems is being stored overseas.
  • Discussion: Expanding BTRC’s regulatory scope to include these devices and ensure data security.


Digital Security Education:

  • Issue: There is a lack of awareness and education on digital security and data protection.
  • Discussion: Integrating these topics into the national education curriculum and enhancing public awareness through eCAB, BASIS, and media campaigns.


Government Officials Using Insecure Email:

  • Issue: The use of Gmail by government officials poses security risks.
  • Discussion: Promoting the use of secure, government-approved email services for official communication.


OTP Awareness Challenges:

  • Issue: Misunderstandings about OTP security are affecting delivery services.
  • Discussion: Educating the public on proper OTP usage to enhance security and service efficiency.


Policy on Digital Page Ownership:

  • Issue: There is a lack of clear policies on digital page ownership and management.
  • Discussion: Developing policies to protect content creators and regulate digital page ownership.


The Policy Dialogue underscored the necessity for comprehensive strategies and collaborative efforts to bolster digital security and data protection for MSMEs in Bangladesh. By addressing these issues, the event aimed to create a safer and more secure digital environment for businesses and individuals alike.

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