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Global Refugee Day Today



global refugee day

In recognition of the annual Global Refugee Day, the world stands united in honoring the strength, courage, and unwavering resilience of millions of individuals forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, and violence.

This day serves as a reminder to the international community of the urgent need to address the challenges faced by refugees and to seek inclusive solutions that uphold their rights and dignity.

As the number of forcibly displaced people reaches staggering figures, Global Refugee Day takes on an even greater significance this year. According to the latest report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the global displacement figures have reached a record high of over 82 million individuals. Among them, nearly 26.4 million are recognized as refugees, while others are internally displaced or seeking asylum.

The day’s commemoration aims to raise awareness about the profound struggles faced by refugees while emphasizing their resilience, talents, and contributions to society. It provides an opportunity to highlight success stories and initiatives that promote their integration, self-reliance, and empowerment. By doing so, the international community can collectively work towards fostering a more inclusive and compassionate world.

global refugee day

Throughout the day, various events and activities are organized worldwide to bring attention to the refugee crisis. From panel discussions and film screenings to art exhibitions and cultural performances, these events offer platforms for refugees to share their experiences and for individuals to understand the challenges they encounter. Furthermore, governments, non-governmental organizations, and communities come together to advocate for policies that ensure the protection and well-being of refugees.

At the heart of Global Refugee Day lies the pressing need to address the root causes of forced displacement and to find sustainable solutions. Governments and humanitarian organizations must collaborate to prevent conflicts, mitigate their impact, and promote peaceful resolutions. Additionally, concerted efforts are required to tackle the underlying factors, such as poverty, inequality, and human rights abuses, which often drive individuals to flee their homes.

global refugee day

Recognizing that long-term displacement can have a devastating impact on individuals and communities, initiatives aimed at supporting refugees in their host countries are crucial. Access to quality education, healthcare, and livelihood opportunities is vital for refugees to rebuild their lives and contribute positively to their host communities. It is imperative that governments provide robust support systems that facilitate integration and ensure the fulfillment of refugees’ rights.

Global Refugee Day serves as a powerful reminder that refugees are not defined by their displacement but by their resilience and aspirations. Countless refugees have overcome tremendous obstacles to rebuild their lives and make significant contributions in various fields, including education, healthcare, science, art, and entrepreneurship. Their stories of strength and determination inspire others to stand in solidarity and create an environment that embraces diversity and inclusivity.

While Global Refugee Day offers an occasion to reflect and take action, the challenges faced by refugees extend beyond a single day. It demands sustained commitment and collaboration from governments, civil society organizations, and individuals worldwide. By joining forces and addressing the root causes of displacement, supporting refugees in their journey towards self-reliance, and promoting policies that protect their rights, we can create a more compassionate and just world for all.

global refugee day

On this Global Refugee Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to standing with refugees, amplifying their voices, and working towards a future where forced displacement becomes a distant memory. Together, we can build a world that embraces the inherent dignity and potential of every human being, regardless of their background or circumstance.

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In conclusion, Global Refugee Day serves as a poignant reminder that behind the statistics and numbers, there are real people, with hopes, dreams, and stories to share. It is a day to acknowledge the immense resilience and strength demonstrated by refugees worldwide, as they navigate unimaginable challenges in search of safety and a better future. By recognizing their contributions, advocating for their rights, and working towards inclusive solutions, we can create a world where compassion triumphs over adversity, and where every individual, regardless of their origin, finds a place to call home.

Global Refugee Day is a call to action for us all to stand together, united in our commitment to build a more compassionate and inclusive world for refugees and for future generations.

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Dhaka, New Delhi Forge Vision for Digital and Green Partnership: PM Sheikh Hasina



sheikh hasina

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced today (June 22) that Bangladesh and India have agreed on a shared vision for a digital and green partnership aimed at ensuring a sustainable future for both nations.

In a joint statement before the media following her meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Hyderabad House in New Delhi, Hasina said, “Both countries endorsed the ‘Vision Statement’ to guide us toward a peaceful and prosperous future. We agreed to have a shared vision for ‘Digital Partnership’ and ‘Green Partnership for a Sustainable Future.'”

The bilateral discussions covered a broad range of topics, including water sharing from common rivers, security, and trade. Hasina emphasized the importance of India as Bangladesh’s major neighbor, trusted friend, and regional partner, highlighting the deep historical ties since Bangladesh’s War of Liberation in 1971.

“Our relations with India are ever-growing at a fast pace,” Hasina noted. “Today, our two sides had very productive meetings where we discussed politics and security, trade and connectivity, the sharing of water from common rivers, power and energy, and regional and multilateral cooperation, among other issues of mutual interest.”

The Prime Minister added, “We agreed to collaborate with each other for the betterment of our people and countries.” She outlined a future course of action aimed at ensuring a smart Bangladesh by 2041 and a Viksit Bharat (Developed India) by 2047.

Hasina mentioned that several Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) were concluded and renewed, with announcements made for future collaboration. She noted that recent years have seen sustained high-level engagements between the two countries, including visits by the Indian president and prime minister to Bangladesh in 2021 to celebrate significant milestones in Bangladesh’s history.

Reflecting on her own diplomatic engagements, Hasina recalled her last bilateral visit to India in September 2022 and her attendance at the G20 Summit in New Delhi in September 2023 as the leader of ‘Guest Country’ Bangladesh. “I am now visiting New Delhi for an unprecedented second time in the same month, June 2024,” she remarked.

Earlier this month, on June 9, Hasina attended the swearing-in ceremony of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his new cabinet alongside other world leaders, further underscoring the close engagement between the two nations.

During her current visit, Hasina will also meet with the Vice President and the President of India. She expressed optimism that these meetings will provide deeper insights into enhancing bilateral cooperation.

“This is my first bilateral visit to any country after Bangladesh’s 12th Parliamentary Elections and the formation of the new government in January 2024,” Hasina noted, thanking the Indian government for their warm hospitality.

In her concluding remarks, Hasina paid homage to the Indian heroes who sacrificed their lives during Bangladesh’s War of Liberation in 1971, expressing gratitude for India’s contribution to Bangladesh’s independence. She also extended an invitation to Prime Minister Modi to visit Bangladesh at his earliest convenience.




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Govt Aims for Complete Financial Inclusion and Digital Access by 2041



Smart Bangladesh 2041

The government is committed to achieving complete financial inclusion and fostering a fully inclusive society, ensuring universal access to digital resources by 2041, as part of its vision for a Smart Bangladesh.

An official document presented in Parliament outlines the plan to ensure 100% financial inclusion for all societal groups to build a smart society. The document also envisions the creation of Climate and Disaster-Resilient Smart Villages and Smart Cities, providing equitable access to civic amenities for both urban and rural populations.

The government emphasizes promoting digital access for individuals of all ages, religions, physical abilities, and social classes. It highlights the importance of fostering a digitally tolerant, fair, and inclusive society that embraces diversity.

A key objective is to rank within the top 20 of the Global Cyber Security Index. Last year, Bangladesh advanced 27 places in the National Cyber Security Index (NCSI), prepared by the Estonia-based e-Governance Academy Foundation, rising to 36th position from 85th in December 2020. The NCSI evaluates nations on cyberattack preparedness, cyber events, criminal activity, and major crisis management efforts.

Currently, Greece holds the top spot on the NCSI with a score of 97.10, while the United States and the United Kingdom rank 18th and 19th, respectively. Among Asian countries, Singapore ranks 16th, Japan 34th, Sri Lanka 69th, and Pakistan 70th.

The government is also taking steps to promote a culturally rich society through active participation in economic and governmental activities. Initiatives have been launched to make the languages of Bangladesh’s ethnic groups and the Bengali language more technology-friendly.

One such initiative is the development of ‘Sathik,’ the first Bengali spell checker for AI-based misspelling detection and accurate word suggestion. Additionally, ‘Janamat,’ a Bengali sentiment analysis software, has been created to analyze daily news and public opinion on social media.

A smart universal keyboard for writing all languages, including minority languages, has been developed, along with a conversion software to prevent the breaking of Bengali words across different platforms.

In honor of International Mother Language Day 2024 and in memory of language martyrs, three AI-based Bengali language software—Bangla Text to Speech ‘Uchcharan,’ Bengali Speech to Text ‘Katha,’ and Bengali OCR ‘Barna’—along with a new Bengali font ‘Purno,’ have been introduced.

These initiatives reflect the government’s commitment to leveraging technology for inclusive development and cultural preservation as part of its vision for a Smart Bangladesh by 2041.

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NBR loses hope of receiving returns from 40% of TIN-holders!



nbr revenue tax

As the gap widens between the number of Bangladeshis with Tax Identification Number (TIN) and those who have actually submitted returns, the country’s revenue authority seems to have accepted the fact that around 40% of TIN-holders may not file their returns this fiscal year.

Currently, there are 1.4 crore TIN-holders in the country, but a significant number of them – about 67 lakh – have not submitted tax returns as of 31 May, according to the National Board of Revenue (NBR) data.

A senior official from the NBR’s income tax department, wishing not to be named, told the news reporter, “We believe that around 40 lakh TIN-holders will not submit their returns.”

The official said, “Two months ago, we submitted a report to NBR Chairman Abu Hena Md Rahmatul Muneem, explaining the reasons for the decline in return submissions.”

The NBR appears uncertain about how to address these non-compliant TIN-holders. When asked, the official said no decision has yet been made regarding them.

“Once a TIN is registered, it cannot be cancelled arbitrarily. The provision for suspending someone’s TIN due to a lack of income in the 2023-24 budget has had limited impact,” he added.

The income tax department’s report, reviewed by the news reporter, identifies various reasons for many TIN-holders not submitting tax returns. It suggests that out of 67 lakh people with TIN who did not file returns, 54 lakh likely refrained due to these reasons.

Those who obtained TIN solely for purposes for which TIN is mandatory such as land sales and specific services are unlikely to submit their returns. Similarly, marginal traders who acquired a mandatory TIN for trade licence but whose businesses have since ceased are also unlikely to file returns.

Additionally, factors contributing to non-submission include death, extended periods of no taxable income, lack of awareness, situations where there is no requirement to show proof of submission of returns, and the extension of tax-free income limits which exempt many taxpayers from their tax obligations.

Besides, permanent departure from Bangladesh, closure or dissolution of companies, taxpayers residing abroad, issuance of duplicate TINs to the same individual, and insufficient information in the TIN database were also identified as major factors.

Taxpayers can submit their returns at any time during the fiscal year. The NBR extended the return submission deadline to 31 January this year.

Those who do not meet this deadline may still submit their returns later, either by paying a fine or by applying for an extension.

An analysis of the NBR report reveals that approximately 10 lakh TIN-holders have acquired new TINs and are required to file their returns in the upcoming fiscal 2024-25.

About 5.28 lakh obtained TINs due to requirements related to land sales. Additionally, 3.75 lakh were compelled to obtain TINs for services from various offices.

Approximately 3 lakh individuals did not file returns due to lack of awareness, and over 2.5 lakh belong to the marginal trader category who obtained TINs for trade licences but whose businesses went bust later.

There are around 2.5 lakh TIN-holders who are deceased, and more than 2 lakh people with TIN with no taxable income also did not file returns.

Over 2 lakh individuals who purchased savings instruments up to Tk2 lakh did not submit returns.

Returns for more than 11 lakh TIN-holders are unavailable due to various other reasons mentioned above.

Approximately 1.37 lakh companies registered with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) have not submitted returns.

Experts recommend removing TINs from the NBR database for individuals who will not be able to submit tax returns due to logical reasons.

Dr Ahsan H Mansur, executive director of the Policy Research Institute (PRI), told the news reporter, “TINs belonging to individuals unlikely to file tax returns, such as those deceased or with other logical reasons, should be excluded from the NBR database.”

Additionally, for individuals without taxable income but who are required to file returns, there should be a straightforward and efficient filing process, he said.

Highlighting the need for a legal solution, Mansur said, “In other countries, although cancellation of TINs is challenging, automated management systems facilitate streamlined processes through established procedures. However, achieving similar efficiency is considerably difficult in our country.”

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