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Fair, participatory polls to be held after necessary reforms: Prof Yunus




Chief Adviser Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus today said a free, fair and participatory election will be held in the country after necessary reforms to administration, judiciary, the Election Commission (EC), electoral system and law-order sector.

“A free, fair and participatory election will be held after necessary reforms to administration, judiciary, the Election Commission, electoral system, law- order sector and free flow of information to give the student-people a successful culmination,” he said while addressing the nation at 7.30 pm.

Prof Yunus said the main aim of the election is to introduce an accountable political system against corruption, looting and mass killing.

Local government institutions, he said, must be strengthened and decentralisation of power should be ensured to consolidate democracy.

Claiming that the government has taken a strong stance against corruption, the Chief Adviser said all the advisers to the interim government will disclose their wealth statements within the quickest possible time.

Prof Yunus said submitting wealth statements will be made mandatory for all government officials at phases.

To take steps against corruption at the state level, an ordinance will be proclaimed to appoint an Ombudsman in line with the Article 77 of the Constitution.

Prof Yunus said different countries and the United Nations have already extended their full support for the present interim government.

“We will maintain friendly relations with all countries. Mutual trust, believes and cooperation will be the base of our foreign policy. We are respectful to all international laws, including human rights one. We have taken steps to become signatory to the international convention on enforced disappearances,” he said.

About reforms to different sectors, the chief adviser said health sector is one of the most corrupt sectors in Bangladesh and necessary reform will be brought to this sector to ensure enough healthcare for the country’s people.

The Chief Adviser said all involved in the health sector to be made accountable while initiatives will be taken to modernise hospitals and presence of doctors and experts will be ensured at the hospitals.

The 2006 Nobel Laureate said the present generation dreamt of sustainable and environment-friendly development.

“There is no alternative to bringing carbon emission to zero level to address climate change impacts and ensure a healthy world for the future generation. Our government will provide maximum importance to protection of environment and climate. Young generation will be involved in this programme,” he said.

About national solidarity, the chief adviser said the interim government believes in national unity aimed at bringing reforms. It will be ensured through political unity that women, children, disabled and religious minorities and indigenous people all are the citizens of the country and entitled to get equal protection as per the law.

He said initiatives will be taken to ensure the rights to all, while a special assistant with the status of an adviser will be appointed to develop national solidarity.

Prof Yunus said the government has activated all programmes to minimise sufferings of the flood-hit people.

Meanwhile, he said, advisers have visited different flood-affected areas and a control room was set up at his office. Initiatives are being taken to minimise flood consequences and find ways to control floods in the future, he added.

The chief adviser said he directed the armed forces, police and other law enforcing agencies to identify their members who were directly involved in killing, disappearances and physical and mental tortures, and bring to them to justice.

Mentioning that he has directed to the authorities concerned to prepare a list of the victims of killing and disappearances, he said: “I have no word to express my sympathy to their families. We will continue our efforts to bring peace in their lives”.

Prof Yunus mentioned that he directed the armed forces, police and other law enforcers to take all possible measures to regain peoples’ confidence.

A committee, he said, has already been formed to prepare a white paper on corruption, money laundering, anti-people agreements and looting in the name of taking protects that took place in the last 15 years.

The Chief Adviser said he held meetings with envoys and representatives of donor agencies, calling upon them to provide all-out support to rebuild the country after the student-people revolution.

He urged all the Bangladeshi expatriates to send money to the country using official channels, noting that an initiative will be taken soon so that oversee workers can go and return home with honor and dignity.

Prof Yunus said the interim government had to deal with an unstable law and order situation just after assuming office.

With people’s support and cooperation, all patriotic law enforcement agencies joined the work, he said.

A huge number of officers and employees became victims of discrimination as the fascist government made massive partisan in administration, he added.

“We have already started taking measures of correction. But time is needed to expedite the administration as well as to take appropriate decision through adopting specific method. For this reason, I am requesting all to keep patience,” he said.

The chief adviser said: “One of our targets is to bring back people’s confidence in institutions at every sector in the administration.”

The government, he said, has taken initiative to ensure good governance in the banking sector which was turned into a place of looting and corruption.

Skilled manpower is being recruited in this sector, he said, adding the government has activated the initiative to create congenial atmosphere for trade and commerce, establish discipline in banking sector and bring the inflation and price of essential commodities under control to ease the people’s lifestyle.

Prof Yunus said Bank Commission will be formed for making long-term reform in banking sector.

A framework will be formulated for overall situation and reformation of the financial sector and it will be disclosed before the people soon, he said.

Steps will be taken soon for removing indiscipline from share market, transport and other sectors where indiscipline exists, he said.

The chief adviser said works have begun to free the judiciary from corruption and party influence.

Initiatives have been taken to ensure freedom and accountability of judiciary through a specific process, he said, adding justice will be ensured in all wrongdoings of the fascist government including heinous crimes like extra judicial killing, enforced disappearance, killing, abduction and “Ayna Ghor” and all those who are involved with these offences will be brought to book.

He said all false cases will be withdrawn after making list and trial will be ensured in corruption and laundering of wealth.

The Chief Adviser said Police Commission will be formed to create a pro-people, party-influence free and accountable structure in view of law and order.

Necessary reforms will be made under the leadership of the commission after getting the United Nations investigation report and exchanging views with all responsible agencies and the people, he said.

He said free flow of information and freedom of mass media will be ensured. “We are pledged bound to ensure the people’s right to information. Existing legal and other barriers to flow of information will be removed.

Repressing sections of those acts which hinder freedom of expressed will be amended, he said adding process has already been started after identifying such acts.

“We have already lifted the unwritten ban on foreign journalists on coming to the country. Concerned officers have been given directives to issue visas to foreign journalists quickly. We hope media workers will carry on neutral journalism in the changed situation,” he said.

Prof Yunus said the previous government established massive disorder in the field of education. “We will take initiative for complete reformation of this (disorder). It is one of our priorities,” he said.

He said after assuming office, the interim government has resumed all educational institutions within quickest possible time.

“Our pledge is to ensure creative, safe and intimidation-free atmosphere for the students. At the same time, works for making the curriculum time-befitting will be begun soon,” he said.


Prof. Yunus said, “Our duty is to bring all the people under a family ties. There will be differences in families. There will be disagreement. But, we are bothers-sisters and fathers-mothers. We are not enemies of each other. None will be considered as enemy due to his opinion.”

“None will be judged as enemy due to his religion. None will be treated as enemy for his gender. We all are equal. None is above and under anyone. We want to establish the idea in every sphere of the national life,” he said.

Seeking cooperation of all in a special matter, he said rallies are being held daily at Secretariat, surrounding of his office and different parts of the city since he had taken the charge.

“Many sorrows and pains of yours have been stockpiling for the last 16 years. We realize that. All the doors of removing the pains will be closed if you don’t allow us to work,” he said.

Prof Yunus said: “We request you to allow us to work. Give us your expectations in written. We are not the opposite party of you. We must do whatever we can in accordance with the law. But, don’t put any hindrance to do our works by seizing us in these important days. Make everyone realize in unison that they don’t prevent us from doing important tasks to attract us to their allegations”.

“All are wanted to know one thing that is when our government will say goodbye. You will give the answer when you will say goodbye to us. None of us to rule the country,” said the chief adviser.

He said, “We get joy in our own professions. We have taken the charge in response to the call of the students in the critical time of the country”.

“We will perform our duties with full strength. We, the advisers, being inspired to accomplish the duty, have been working as a team,” he added.

“When the election will be held is completely a political decision, not our decision. The countrymen have to decide when they will relief us from the charge,” he said.

“We are coming at the call of the students and they are our primary recruitment authority. The countrymen have supported the appointment of us. We will constantly make our strides to realize all regarding the matter as the question will not rise when we will go. We will go whenever they want. We will reform the election as part of the reform. We will make the commission prepared to hold an ideal election anytime,” he said.

Prof Yunus said: “We have started the process reform in various aspects. We requested the country to initiate a discussion what works at least we will do and what works to be done before leaving. We can get a roadmap through the discussion. But the final decision is the political decision. The political decision will come from the political discussion”.

“We do not precede the discussions with firmness with the donor governments and international economic organizations without getting the roadmap. We give the guarantee that we will not raise any question to extend the tenure on behalf of us,” he said.

“We, each member of the adviser council, will give our best to overcome the crisis in the critical juncture of the country. We want to ensure all that we will leave no stone unturned to go for building “New Bangladesh” which we have got through bloodsheds of the student-people due to our disagreement,” said Prof Yunus.

“We will be looser as a nation if we will lose the chance. We promised to the martyrs, injured people and living student-people we will no way to lose the achievement. We have taken a pledge to make our country a respected one on the global stage,” he said.

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Remittances Top $2bn in First 28 Days of September




Expatriate Bangladeshis sent approximately US$ 2.11 billion in remittances during the first 28 days of September in the fiscal year 2024-25, according to data released by Bangladesh Bank on 29 September.

Of this total, state-owned and specialised banks handled $679.10 million, while private banks received $1.43 billion in remittances.

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Yunus Pledges Swift Reforms and Election in Bangladesh’s Interim Govt




Chief Adviser to Bangladesh’s interim government, Professor Muhammad Yunus, has vowed to expedite reforms and hold elections swiftly. Yunus, who recently assumed the role after the collapse of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s 15-year administration, expressed his commitment during an interview with Tokyo-based news outlet NHK WORLD in New York on Sunday. He was attending the United Nations General Assembly at the time.

Following mass student-led protests that ended Hasina’s long-standing rule in August, Yunus stepped in as the leader of the caretaker government. Known for founding Grameen Bank, an institution providing microloans to the underprivileged, Yunus, along with the bank, earned the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his efforts in poverty alleviation.

During the interview, Yunus emphasized that the interim government’s primary mission is to implement reforms promptly and ensure elections are held as soon as the groundwork is complete. He underscored the importance of success, stating, “Failure is not something that we can accept.”

Addressing the pivotal role of students in the ousting of the Hasina administration, Yunus acknowledged the sacrifices made by young people, referring to their involvement as part of a “revolution.” He highlighted his intention to engage the younger generation in shaping policy.

Furthermore, Yunus called for continued support from Japan, Bangladesh’s largest donor, during this crucial transition period. He stressed that Japan’s assistance is vital to stabilizing Bangladesh’s economy and fostering a democratic foundation in the nation.

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Polythene Bags to Be Phased Out, Says Environment Adviser Rizwana Hasan



polythene rizwana hasan

Syeda Rizwana Hasan, the Adviser for Environment, Forests, and Climate Change, announced today that steps will be taken to restrict the use of polythene shopping bags to safeguard future generations.

Starting from October 1, polythene bags will be banned in shopping malls, followed by a ban in kitchen markets from November 1.

“Everyone must take responsibility and stop using polythene voluntarily. Action against polythene producers will begin from November 1,” Rizwana Hasan stated during a seminar.

The Department of Environment (DoE) organized the seminar to raise public awareness about alternatives to banned polythene bags.

Rizwana Hasan highlighted that the restriction on polythene will be executed in phases according to legal provisions, and discussions with shopping centers and store owners are ongoing to ensure a smooth transition.

She also announced plans to make the government secretariat a plastic-free zone by December.

Other speakers at the seminar included Environment Secretary Dr. Farhina Ahmed, DoE Director General Dr. Abdul Hamid, Director Rajinara Begum, President of the Shop Owners Association Muhammad Helal Uddin, and Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science at BUP. They discussed the harmful effects of polythene and the need for alternative products.

Earlier, Rizwana Hasan inaugurated a fair showcasing eco-friendly alternatives to polythene bags and visited 24 stalls. The fair featured products from government and private entrepreneurs, including reusable bags, jute bags, paper bags, and items made from bamboo and cane.

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