One of the Listed companies, Savar Refractories Limited discloses its financial reports for the first quarter, (July–September 22). This source is known from DSE. The company’s...
One of the Listed Companies KDS Accessories Limited discloses its financial reports for the first quarter, (July-September’22) This source is known from DSE. The company’s earnings...
One of the Listed Companies Anwar Galvanizing Limited discloses its financial reports for the first quarter, (July-September’22) This source is known from DSE. The company’s earnings...
One of the Listed Companies Bangladesh Thai Aluminium Limited discloses its financial reports for the first quarter, (July-September’22) This source is known from DSE. The company’s...
One of the Listed Companies Fortune Shoes Limited discloses its financial reports for the first quarter, (July-September’22) This source is known from DSE. The company’s earnings...
One of the Listed Companies Aman Cotton Fibrous Limited discloses its financial reports for the first quarter, (July-September’22) This source is known from DSE. The company’s...
One of the Listed Companies Aman Feed Limited discloses its financial reports for the first quarter, (July-September’22) This source is known from DSE. The company’s earnings...
One of the Listed Companies National Feed Mills Limited discloses its financial reports for the first quarter, (July-September’22) This source is known from DSE. The company’s...
One of the Listed Beach Hatchery Ltd has announced 1.5pc Dividends to its investors for the year ended June 30, 2022. This source is known from...
One of the Listed Aramit Ltd has Sonali Aansh Industries Limited 100pc Dividends to its investors for the year ended June 30, 2022. This source is...