2 of the listed companies, aamra networks limited & aamra technologies limited disclose their financial reports for the first quarter, (July-September 23). aamra networks: The company’s...
One of the listed companies, Olympic Industries Limited discloses its financial reports for the first quarter, (July-September 23). The company’s earnings per share (EPS) of Tk...
One of the Listed companies, Orion Pharma Limited has recommended 10% cash Dividend for the year ended December 31, 2022. In terms of financial performance, The...
One of the listed companies, Western Marine Shipyard Limited discloses its financial reports for the third quarter, (January – March 23). The company’s earnings per share...
One of the listed companies, Agni Systems Limited discloses its financial reports for the first quarter, (July-September 23). The company’s earnings per share (EPS) of Tk...
One of the Listed companies, GSP Finance Company (Bangladesh) Limited has recommended no Dividend for the year ended December 31, 2022. In terms of financial performance,...
One of the listed corporations, Crown Cement PLC discloses its financial reports for the first quarter, (July-September 23). The company’s earnings per share (EPS) of Tk...
One of the Listed companies, Jamuna Oil Company Ltd. has recommended 130% cash Dividend for the year ended June 30, 2023. In terms of financial performance,...
One of the listed corporations, Rahima Food Corporation Limited discloses its financial reports for the first quarter, (July-September 23). The company’s earnings per share (EPS) of...
One of the listed companies, Malek Spinning Mills discloses its financial reports for the first quarter, (July-September 23). The company’s Consolidated earnings per share (EPS) of...